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Four Positive Tools in the Toolbox for Success

It seems pretty simple to set our goals toward success. Still, the process involves the use of many tools. A lot of people actually set out with a very poor toolbox in the beginning and they don't reach the place they were hoping to reach. In order to have a winning plan for success in life, there are certain things that are just obvious, required tools that everyone should have if they hope to be successful person. At the top of the list is the ability to change your circumstances when you aren't happy with the place you now exist. This requires the first tool known as courage.

If you plan to be successful in life, you have a choice to either accept your position or change it. You can't decide to just plug along in your present condition hoping that someone else will change things for you. You have to create the opportunity in yourself to make a change and this requires courage. Often, people who are stuck in an abusive situation will feel as though they are trapped, controlled, and powerless to get out of that situation. They don't realize that they have the same choice of changing their circumstances as anyone else. What paralyzes them is the fear of the unknown. They have become comfortable in their abusive situation and they don't have the courage to break out of it. If you find yourself in circumstances that are obviously lowering your chance of success in life, then you need to change those circumstances. Courage is the first tool that will help you to begin.

After courage, there is another primary tool that you will need in your toolbox. The next major tool that is required is the willingness to persevere toward your goal.

Once you begin to apply the tool of courage, you will immediately be hit with a series of problems and difficulties in your new attempt to become successful. This is especially true in the first few weeks of your new direction in life. Because of this, you will also need the tool of willingness to persevere because courage may only last for a short time. Willingness, however, is a powerful tool that is even stronger than mere courage. It gives you the energy to keep fighting toward your success even in the face of difficulties and challenges. It gives you the ability to keep going no matter what.

Once you make it through those first few weeks on your new direction in life, you are going to need another tool that is even stronger than courage or willingness. You are going to need a solid plan that will be founded on your good sense and your capacity for reasoning and rationality. Courage is great and willingness is even better. These are great to begin with but a courageous attitude and striving ahead with the willingness to achieve success isn't going to be enough. In order to get you to the top of the mountain, you are going to need more. Eventually, you will need a solid plan to keep you on track and to help you avoid all the difficulties you are going to encounter. You may develop a more rational and reasonable plan for success with a friend or by yourself but you are going to need that plan to be well thought out. Then you are going to have to go back and re-apply your willingness and your courage to put that plan back into action each day.

After a considerable period of time, working in a courageous manner with the willingness to persevere and to think reasonably and rationally in life, you will be well on your way to success. Many people make great strides in their life by simply applying these three tools for success.

What finally arrives as the cherry on the sundae, and which they eventually discover as the greatest tool of all, only comes after first going through the difficult times with courage, willingness and reasoning. Through the use of these three tools, a successful individual may eventually encounter the most powerful tool of Love and this tool may transform their life so as to make everything, which had previously seemed difficult, seem extremely easy and enjoyable.

Using the four tools of success, a person may eventually develop a toolbox which includes the greatest set of abilities a person can acquire. This toolbox filled with courage, willingness, reason and love will make a successful person of anyone and insure them of happiness and fulfillment in everything they do!


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