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Goal Setting Part 1 of 3 Using the SMART Method

The process of successful goal setting should always begin with a self discovery. What is it that yo really want to be, do, and have? Do you want to be an online marketer, learn to race cars, own a yacht and sail around the world? What will get excited just thinking about it. What did you think about a lot when you were younger, what were your dreams? Write these things down, pay close attention to those which give yo a thrill just thinking about them.

Once you have a list of the things which you really want to be, do, and have, take several things you've listed which you believe you can complete within the next year, three years, and five years. You'll want to choose things which will get you excited and also be a reach to accomplish. Write a 1, 3, or 5 next to the items, depending on when you believe you will have it complete.

You'll write a set of goals for each of the one year, three year, and five year time increments. Using 3 x 5 index cards has always been my favorite medium, they are easy to carry and also have enough space to write several goals on each. You'll write your goals so that they are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time referenced. This is the SMART method.

You want to have goals that are specific, measurable, and time connected, you also want to have goals that you will have to stretch for to attain. An example might be if you regularly earn $60,000 to $65,000 per year. To have a goal of earning $65,000 to $67,000 is easily attainable, not much fun, as you are not stretching to get there, and you would probably reach that level without any effort as far as changing your mental habits or setting goals. In this example a goal of $80,000 this year would be a stretch, a lot of fun when it is attained, and would take mental changes, changes in your actions, and work with goal exercises in order to attain.

You'll use the present tense to write all of your goals. Please write them as follows: Today is September 30, 20__ and I have $_____, in the bank, I now drive a _____(color) _____(make) ______(model), and live in a glorious ___bedroom, ___bathroom home with a pool and a ___ car garage in _____, (city) ____(state). Remember, present tense.

There is a subtle difference here but please stick to the present tense. In other words you want to write your goals "as if" they have already happened. Writing and repeating your goals as if they were somewhere in the future will keep them there, in the future.

The reason for this method of writing your goals will be more apparent in later articles in this series. Be sure to read Part Two, Bringing Emotion to Your Goals. Charging your goals with emotion is fun, and will assist you in reaching them.

George L. Kenney has a career of twenty five years in financial markets, including the past six in the mortgage business. He is a successful online marketing pro, with a passion for helping others. He will teach you how to leverage your time, money, and technology to put you on the fast track. To find out more about his team and the Marketing Mentors Program Click Here


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