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RSS Reading versus Site Hopping

I have a confession to make. I don’t really go visiting websites anymore. For the past month, I’ve just been using my RSS feed reader (Google Reader) for most of my daily reads and research.

Why not? It’s a very streamlined process to get the low-down on what’s new and fresh without the fuss of having to load. I used to have bookmarks folders for all my daily reads and open them all in tabs. Now, while I love Firefox, it is still a resource hog. And opening around 60 tabs will eat up a hell of a lot of RAM and bandwidth. It isn’t really a great option.

Enter Real Simple Syndication. RSS. It’s really a great way to receive updates from your sites. And I think it’s one of the ways to go in terms of publishing your Web content. It’s a whole lot quicker than having to visit every site and reload every time to check for updates.

While Adsense publishers may consider me a lost cause in their chances of getting a few cents from my clicks (since Adsense doesn’t show up in feeds, well not yet), they can still consider me a loyal reader. Which, I think, in a writer’s point of view the better deal. But we’ve got to monetize, right? Plus you can still optimize your blog feeds to feature only snippets of articles so when an RSS subscriber thinks an article is a must-read, s/her will still click on the link and visit your page.

Most of the websites to day feature RSS feeds that you can add to your reader. I must say that it now only takes me a few minutes to get the information I need instead of the usual hours I spend hopping from one site to the next.
Just look at how this guy reads 622 feeds each morning. RSS reading is a must for productivity.

In any case, there are still merits to site hopping. For one, some media and application sites still do not have RSS feeds available so for those, you really still have to visit them for updates. And there’s still StumbleUpon to help you zero in on random interesting topics.


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